Gavrila & Asociatii - 10 Years of Excellence

Gavrila & Asociatii

We handle day-to-day challenges for companies acting in a wide range of industries and various public institutions. We naturally address the issues from both advisory and litigation perspectives (when the case). We always focus on solving problems thus striving to avoid conflicts.

Although maintaining the focus on dispute resolution-related services we continuously aim at preventing or settlement of litigation, as the case may be.

WHO WE ARE - Gavrila & Asociatii - 10 Years of Excellence


With consistent experience in the ever changing legal-marketplace, we provide tailor-made solutions on the outsourcing of the entire legal support for your business organization by fully adapting to your existing working model at an optimal cost-quality balance.

Our lawyers have built a substantial reputation in the past 25 years in telecom, energy, oil & gas, healthcare, FMCG, financial services and accumulated a wealth of experience in assisting clients in facing the business world complexities.

WHAT WE DO - Gavrila & Asociatii - 10 Years of Excellence


We have extensive experience in preventing litigation which would result in consumption of our clients’ resources (time, funds and people).

We focus on competition, corporate & regulatory compliance, public procurement, commercial and employment matters both in dispute resolution and business advisory areas.

We act in both domestic and international arbitration both as counsel in front of different arbitral tribunals (both institutionalized and ad-hoc) in Bucharest, Paris, London, Geneva, Zurich, Vienna and Washington, and mediators. Learn more..

Our attorneys have successfully represented major clients both during the administrative phase, in front of the competition authorities, and the court phase, in several landmark cases, some of which represented at the time the largest fines imposed by the national competition authority (The Romanian Competition Council – RCC), in relation to alleged anticompetitive agreements and concerted practices, abuses of dominant position and State aid.

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We have been involved in private equity transactions, M&A’s, corporate restructuring, exit and disposal strategy planning, drafting shareholder agreements, investment agreements, enterprise management incentive share options.

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Our attorneys have successfully represented either private operators or public authorities in several notable disputes on regulatory matters and consumer protection.

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Our attorneys have successfully represented key clients both in front of the National Council for Complaint Settlement (CNSC) and relevant national courts, as well as in front of competent European authorities in noteworthy public procurement projects.

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Significant projects include assisting clients acting in various industries in personnel restructuring, negotiations of collective bargaining agreements, design of internal procedures, court representation in challenge of dismissal decisions and assessment reports and contractual and non-contractual liability cases. 

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RECENT CASES - Gavrila & Asociatii - 10 Years of Excellence


We pro-actively address client business needs and the relevant market and therefore provide tailor-made value-adding solutions leading to long-term relationships.

We assisted various production companies in negotiations of the collective bargaining agreements.