Ion Alexandru - Partner » Gavrila & Asociatii

Ion Alexandru


His experience comprises a wide range of dispute resolution cases, from multidisciplinary international arbitration (on ICSID, ICC and TAS/CAS rules) to domestic proceedings and high-profile litigation files.

Ion has mainly focused thus far on areas such as commercial, competition, public procurement, environment, tax, trademarks and designs, insolvency and corporate.

Most of the aforementioned dispute resolution projects have been in connection with one or more of the oil, gas & natural resources, energy, real estate, telecom, agriculture, IT&C, fashion, or healthcare & pharma industries.

Ion has also provided counseling in major investment projects in the following business sectors: healthcare & pharma (distribution agreements, antitrust compliance policies and trainings), telecom (infrastructure lease and use agreements), banking (mergers & acquisitions operations), real estate and renewable energy (sale-purchase, share-purchase, lease and assignment agreements) or electronic payments (secondary legislation proposals). 

He is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2014.


The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on: nor all thy piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.

