Recent Cases Gavrila & Asociatii

In Recent Cases we assisted various production companies in negotiations of the collective bargaining agreements. Contact us for more details.

Gavrila & Asociatii


  • the Romanian State in energy-related ICSID arbitration proceedings;
  • a significant player in the energy market in a wide range of court cases;
  • a major telecom client in litigation with National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP) and National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF);
  • a telecom operator in disputes with competitors before the Romanian Telecom Regulator (ANCOM);
  • a technology company against the Romanian Competition Council (RCC) in litigation related to market and sensitive information sharing allegations;
  • a significant retail company against the RCC in litigation related to price fixing allegation.
Gavrila & Asociatii


  • a significant player in the insurance and reinsurance market with regard to sensitive information sharing allegation;
  • a power distribution operator with regard to market sharing allegation;
  • an international producer of heating, industrial and refrigeration systems with regard to resale price fixing allegation.
Gavrila & Asociatii


  • one of the largest telecom operators against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged abuse of dominant position (when applied – second-largest fine ever imposed);
  • a significant gas distributor against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged market sharing by removing a product from the market;
  • important food retail chain against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged price fixing;
  • one of the largest pharmaceutical distributors against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged agreement regarding parallel export and import bans with two major pharma producers;
  • a German company in a public procurement procedure organized by a major Romanian thermal energy supplier both in front of the National Council for Solving Complaints (CNSC) and the relevant courts;
  • the nationally-representative physician association during the investigation of the RCC in relation to price fixing allegation;
  • the nationally-representative employer association in litigation regarding the annulment of various government decisions.
Gavrila & Asociatii


  • the nationally-representative employer associations in consultations on draft legislation with the Health Insurance National Authority and the Ministry of Health;
  • a major oil company on the construction of the first offshore marine terminal in Romania;
  • major oil & gas companies in public bidding procedures with the National Agency for Mineral Resources.

Assisted various production companies in negotiations of the collective bargaining agreements.

Gavrila & Asociatii


  • major oil & gas companies on production, holding and movements of excise goods under duty suspension;
  • a mineral water producer during a fiscal inspection on concession taxes owed to the National Agency for Mineral Resources.
Gavrila & Asociatii


  • a consortium led by a Belgian company in a public procurement procedure organized by a local municipality in the energy sector, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts, the case generating significant public attention due to the unparalleled seven-time offer re-evaluation;
  • one of the largest telecom operators in several court cases against ANCOM in relation to various issues arising from the operating license.