What we do

We have extensive experience in preventing litigation which would result in consumption of our clients’ resources (time, funds and people).

Litigation, Arbitration & Mediation

We act in both domestic and international arbitration both as counsel in front of different arbitral tribunals (both institutionalized and ad-hoc) in Bucharest, Paris, London, Geneva, Zurich, Vienna and Washington, and mediators.

Our team members have been involved in arbitration proceedings under most rules of international arbitration, including the Rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Swiss Chambers (Swiss Rules of International Arbitration), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), International Centre for Dispute Resolution of the American Arbitration Association International (ICDR/AAA), and International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).


Our attorneys have successfully represented major clients both during the administrative phase, in front of the competition authorities, and the court phase, in several landmark cases, some of which represented at the time the largest fines imposed by the national competition authority (The Romanian Competition Council – RCC), in relation to alleged anticompetitive agreements and concerted practices, abuses of dominant position and State aid.

Significant projects include:

  • Represented one of the largest telecom operators against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged abuse of dominant position.
  • Represented one significant gas distributor against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged market sharing by removing a product from the market.
  • Represented important food retail chain against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged price fixing.
  • Represented one of the largest pharmaceuticals distributors against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged agreement regarding parallel exports and imports bans with two major drugs producers.
  • Represented administrator of private pension fund against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged customer allocation.
  • Assisted administrator of private pension fund in the hearings before the RCC in relation to an alleged customer allocation practice, which led to one of the lowest fines applied (unchallenged by the client in front of the relevant courts).
  • Represented one of the largest pharmaceuticals distributors against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged bid rigging.
  • Represented major steel producer against the RCC in a litigation case for the recovery of an alleged illegal State aid.
  • Represented one of the largest wood producers against the RCC in a litigation case for an alleged abuse of dominant position.

Corporate Law, Governance & Compliance

Our attorneys have been involved in private equity transactions, M&A’s, corporate restructuring, exit and disposal strategy planning, drafting shareholder agreements, investment agreements, enterprise management incentive share options.

We have been setting up systems, processes and procedures to ensure your organization properly responds to applicable legal constraints while also being aligned to your company’s objectives and meeting the interests of all stakeholders, thus avoiding fines and disruptive litigation.

We have been designing internal procedures and overseeing implementation of corrective measures ensuring full compliance.


Our attorneys have successfully represented either private operators or public authorities in several notable disputes on regulatory matters and consumer protection.

We have assisted clients in telecom, healthcare, oil&gas, insurance and other financial service and FMCG industries in both negotiations of and consultations on draft legislation with public authorities.

We have also assisted in the authorization of highly-specialized areas of tax warehouses and registered consignees, as well as insurance and non-banking financial institutions.

We have provided the framework of self-regulatory industry-wide agreements.

Significant projects include:

  • Assisted one of the largest producers of chemicals for the woodworking industry in one landmark case, which was largely covered in the press and led to the opening of the infringement procedure against Romania and involved a local municipality and the National Environment Authority.
  • Assisted one of the largest telecom operators in several court cases against the Romanian Telecom Regulator (ANCOM) in relation to various issues arising from the operating license.
  • Assisted a large cable telecom operator in two major court cases related to the interconnection tariffs regulated by ANCOM.
  • Assisted ANCOM in six court cases related to the interconnection tariffs, challenged by two major operators.
  • Assisted one of the largest cable telecom companies before Romanian courts in a series of cases against the Consumers Protection Agency.
  • Assisted a major FMCG company in the negotiation of Romanian marketing standards.

Public Procurement

Our attorneys have successfully represented key clients both in front of the National Council for Complaint Settlement (CNSC) and relevant national courts, as well as in front of competent European authorities in noteworthy public procurement projects.

Our work has consisted of assistance during tenders and the subsequent court challenge as well as during the negotiation of the contractual documentation.

Significant projects include:

  • Assisted an international consortium led by an Italian company in a public procurement procedure organized by a major Romanian energy supplier, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts.
  • Assisted an international consortium led by an Italian company in a public procurement procedure organized by a major Romanian thermal energy supplier, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts.
  • Assisted an international consortium led by a German company in a public procurement procedure organized by a major Romanian thermal energy supplier, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts, as well as during the negotiation of the contractual documentation.
  • Assisted a German company in a public procurement procedure organized by a major Romanian thermal energy supplier, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts.
  • Assisted a consortium led by a Belgian company in a public procurement procedure organized by a local municipality, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts, the case generating significant public attention due to the unparalleled seven-time offer re-evaluation.
  • Assisted an important gas operator in a public procurement procedure organized by a local authority.
  • Assisted one of the largest telecom operators in a public procurement procedure organized by a major energy supplier, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts.
  • Assisted one of the largest telecom operators in a public procurement procedure organized by a central authority, both in front of CNSC and the relevant courts.


Significant projects include assisting clients acting in various industries in personnel restructuring, negotiations of collective bargaining agreements, design of internal procedures, court representation in challenge of dismissal decisions and assessment reports and contractual and non-contractual liability cases.